Thursday, June 14, 2007

Introducing Vidista Channel Search

Vidista now has a Channel Search bar at the bottom of the left panel, which lets you search Vidista channels by title, description, and even the videos in their playlists. For example, let's say you're looking for SNL Digital Shorts. Another user might have called her channel "Funny Skits," but if one of the videos in her playlist matches your search query, it will still show up in the results. Let's search for the keyword "snl":

There are two search buttons, one labeled "Search" and the other labeled with a "Pop Out" icon. When you press Enter or click "Search," your results will appear in the player window, and you never leave Vidista. If you're in the middle of playing a video, however, you might want to click the "Pop Out" button, which will open your results in a new window. Here we'll just click "Search":

You can start playing a channel immediately by clicking on its link, or you can click the "Add to Favorites" option to add it to your Favorite Channels list. This is helpful if you want to check out a bunch of channels without repeating your search.

As more channels appear on Vidista, you can expect this search feature to become increasingly useful. Try out Channel Search for yourself!

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