Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What does an embedded channel look like?

Vidista not only lets you watch channels that you and others have created, it also lets you embed those videos into other websites and blogs. You can find the snippet of HTML code at the bottom right of the bottom panel once you've selected a channel. Simply copy and paste this snippet into the HTML of your site or blog. If you're using Blogger, for instance, you will need to click the "Edit HTML" tab while composing your post.

Here is what your channel will look like:

If you want to get even fancier, you can make your channel play automatically by editing the part of the snippet that says "auto=0" to "auto=1", and you can start the channel playing with a specific video by changing "index=0" to "index=n", where "n" is the index number of the video (starting from 0).

You could even design a whole website around your channel, and whenever you update the content of your channel in Vidista, your changes are automatically applied to the embedded channel on your site!

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